Have you ever wanted to study Tantra but don't know where to start? Taryn is one of our STM Tantric Practitioners who has formulated an accredited in-depth Tantra training program she facilitates in collaboration with The Awareness Institute in Sydney. This year 2016 was a world first for participants to study and be accredited with a Diploma in Tantra & Sacred Sexuality.
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This is a conversation between Charles Eisenstein (author of Sacred Economics) and Rex Brangwyn.
i thought it was wonderful, so I encourage anyone with an interest in deepening their sexual connection, male or female, to listen to it. With their partner, if possible. It speaks of the possibilities that occur when the masculine practices pure presence with the feminine. This allows her to fully open her sexuality. This is a very powerful thing, which not all men have yet experienced, so please, listen, and enjoy.
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