Neither the author not the entity which owns this site invites anyone to attempt medical treatment with natural substitutes under any circumstances and consequently shall not be held liable for the action of others and the potential consequences arising thereof, which may or may not, directly or indirectly arise from and be based upon the information provided on this site. Reading This Website Denotes Your Understanding of and Agreement to Our Full Disclaimer. Information on this site should not be construed to substitute for informed professional medical, psychiatric, psychological, homeopathic, homotoxicologic or other healthcare professional advice or guidance. It is merely intended to inform all those interested in aspects of natural body care and beauty products which the author deems of extreme importance as it provides for a new and complementary understanding of the energetic basis of imbalance, rather than a solely physical molecular one. It is based essentially on the investigational experience and observation of the author. One should not use the information on www.sydneytantricmassage.com.aufor diagnosing or treating any health problem or disease or prescribing any medication or other treatment. One should always consult with one’s physician, naturopathic practitioner or other healthcare professional before taking any medication or nutritional, herbal or homeopathic supplement, or undertaking any treatment, energetic or otherwise, for a health condition. None of the topics presented on www.sydneytantricmassage.com.au have been evaluated or approved by the FDA or the Australian equivalent. The information on this site is intended only for educational purposes.