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Bella Talks Tantric Massage. You Should Listen! (An Interview with AdultSmart)

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Bella Talks Tantric Massage. You Should Listen! (An Interview with AdultSmart)

Bella Tantra

The Sydney Tantric Massage opening line perfectly describes what a tantric massage experience is:

“Your sexual energy is awoken and spread around your entire body, causing a full body response, new sensations, a new understanding of the potential for pleasure within you. A Tantric Massage honours you in your entirety.”

A Tantra Massage is explained as where a person is taken to a place of deep relaxation. The experience will encourage you to breathe deeply and become more mindfully aware of every touch you experience and it allows for your body to naturally sexually respond. With Tantra Massage you are not expected to climax but it can lead to a powerful full body orgasm. It is one of the ways for men to learn how to orgasm without ejaculation.

There are two main types of Tantra Massages including a Yoni Massage which focuses on honouring the vagina and a Lingam Massage which focuses on honouring the male penis. I have to say, it sounds like an amazing experience which honestly connects all aspects of psychology, sexuality and spirituality together in a harmonious environment. Who doesn’t want all those benefits?

Sydney Tantric Massage have a large range of practitioners who specialise in areas including Intimacy Coaching, Spiritual Healing, Tantric Counselling, Energy Work, Bondassage and more. This is an interview with Bella The Manager Of Sydney Tantric Massage.


Photo: Bella Manager Of Sydney Tantric Massage

Tell me about yourself?

My name is Bella.  I’m a Tantric Practitioner based in Sydney.  I manage the STM website, where independent and professionally trained Tantric practitioners advertise their Tantric services.

How did you get into Tantra Massage?

I was certainly interested in Tantra through my 20s, but it wasn’t until my early 30s that i started to have full body energetic and orgasmic experiences. Sometimes during sex, sometimes while dancing, and sometimes just literally out of the blue for no reason.  This gave me experiential insight into the fact that sexual energy is life force energy, and is not dependent on genital stimulation.  We have more of a powerful and full body orgasmic capacity for pleasure than many of us realise.  As my personal experiences of sexual energy were so far outside the mainstream norm of what we are told sex is, I became passionate about deepening my studies of Tantra and sacred sexuality. Soon enough I realised that this was my true passion, I accepted that I had a gift worth sharing, and that I had the personal qualities and skills necessary to become a Tantric practitioner.  I studied a lot of courses and workshops, and started offering sessions.  That was 9 years ago.

What are the main principles of Tantra and how does it connect you to spirituality?

Tantra is the art of relaxing through arousal, the art of love, the art of meditating on pleasure.  The main principles are to slow everything down, be more mindful and present with every nuance of sensation, breathe deeply, let sounds flow, and move our sexual energy from the genitals around the body using imagination and intention to create full body orgasmic pleasure.   The tantric approach can create valley orgasms,  orgasmic states that last for hours.  It is spiritual because when we are outside the normal confines of our ego we are closest to ‘god’, and sex is the fast track way to get there.  We can achieve much more in a short space of time when we are present with our partner and sexual energy is flowing than we ever could through meditating alone for years. By combining sex and meditation, we can access states of consciousness not available with either practice alone.   Sex has an evolutionary function: when we shift away from a genital and peak orgasm focus and instead conduct sexual energy upwards, it is the energy of enlightenment.   Different chemical reactions in the body take place, the mind becomes flooded with dopamine, serotonin and DMT, the pineal gland can become activated, and one can experience energetically merging with the other, you might feel your chakras lighting up, experience visions in the third eye, or feel a sense of communion with something greater than yourself.  Many, different energetic, spiritual and extremely pleasurable experiences are possible when we unite spirit and sex, that’s why tantra is spiritual.

What are the benefits of a Tantra Massage?

There are many.   A tantric massage will often create a whole body orgasmic pleasure in the recipient.  Bliss states are very healing and rejuvenating for the whole body and all our organs. Experiencing full body orgasmic pleasure can teach people a lot about themselves, and inspire them to create more fulfilment and connection for themselves and their partners.   A Tantric Massage teaches a person the value of slowing down and relaxing during sexual arousal, because in this relaxed mindful state, they will experience energy moving and pleasure in their bodies in new and interesting ways.   They will learn how to cultivate sexual energy, and to move it around the body, therefore showing them that orgasmic pleasure is not limited to the genitals, but we are capable of full body orgasmicness.

It will leave a person feeling full body integration and unite the genitals with the heart.

If a person has an issue the practitioner will tailor the session .... read more here: